Monday, April 29, 2013

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 04/29/13

Visit Kellee and Jen at Teach Mentor Texts
for more about the It's Monday! What Are You
Reading? Meme
The False Prince (The      The Runaway King (The Ascendance Trilogy #2) by Jennifer A. Nielsen
 I finally got to The False Prince and, obviously, I couldn't stop there.  I loved both of them and can't wait for the next.  Jaron/Sage is fun, loyal, mischievous, and always in trouble.  Plus, he's got two great girls and I can't wait to see how he ends up with Imogen (which I assume he will even though Amarinda also seems perfect).   
Unfortunately, that all I finished this week other than my picture books. 
The Three Ninja PigsThis was recommended last week and I agree that it's super-cute.  I love that the third pig - the most disciplined and the one who saves all three - is a sister pig, not one of the boys.
The Pout-Pout Fish in the
This was also recommended last week.  I love the illustrations and the idea of conquering fear of the dark with a friend. 
The Sweetest Fig
This is not my favorite Chris Van Allsburg book, probably because the guy is not nice to his dog.  I guess the dog wins in the end though.  It doesn't pay to be a jerk.
This is a beautiful introduction to jazz, including the history, a timeline, a glossary and poetry about the musicians, the instruments and the music.  I especially love the artwork.
I'm still reading/listening to The Jungle.  I need to finish by tomorrow!  I don't want to ruin my classic a month so early in the year. 
The Jungle
Thanks for reading my blog!  If I haven't visited yours, let me know what you're reading or leave the link in a comment.


  1. Love The False Prince and The Runaway King - such great books! Thanks for sharing all your reads!

    The Monster Report

  2. I don'y know that I've read The Jungle. Have you read Sister Carrie? I remember liking that one,back when I still read adult books!

    1. I haven't read Sister Carrie. Just downloaded it on my Kindle. That'll be one of my classics this year. Thanks for the recommendation! And I do like The Jungle.

  3. I'm nearly done with The Runaway King-I agree, they are terrific! Thanks also for the Pout-Pout Fish in the Big, Big Dark-I've only read the first. Cute. Hope you'll have time to finish The Jungle! It is awesome!

    1. Thanks! I'm just going to be a little late, but it'll still be my April classic and I'll read another in May. I made good progress today. :)

  4. The Three Ninja Pigs was a fun book! I loooooooooove False Prince and Runaway King! Such a great series. I just love those characters!

    1. I know! And book 3 isn't even on Amazon yet. Too long to wait! :(

  5. Oh - Jennifer A. Nielsen! So pleased that so many people are enjoying these titles. I just took my children to meet Jennifer when she was here in Vancouver. She, like her books, is amazing. I also love The Three Ninja Pigs - another delightful author! She sent my class bookmarks when we wrote and blogged reviews :-)

    1. There are so many kind authors. I love hearing about the authors who really interact with students and encourage them. Kids are so excited about that stuff. (Guess we are too!)
